Social media platforms have been awash with disturbing news of a Harare woman whose alleged love affairs were exposed, leading to her pornographic videos finding their way to social networking sites.

The woman, popularly known as Mai Denzel, was allegedly involved in a love affair with one of her husband’s close friends. Things got sour when the friend discovered that Mai Denzel was dating yet another friend of her husband, leading to him leaking nude pictures and videos to Baba Denzel as evidence that she was cheating on the two of them.

This did not go down well with Baba Denzel who reportedly went on a rampage and splashed the nudes on social media platforms, probably as a way of embarrassing his wife. Recorded phone calls by Baba Denzel also went viral as he sought to ascertain to his wife’s relatives that his relationship with Mai Denzel had collapsed.

Social media platforms went into overdrive and the pictures of Mai Denzel cuddling and enjoying some quality time with her alleged “lover” went viral. The debacle, as it were, drew a lot of debate from various sections of society with some standing in Baba Denzel’s corner saying he proved to be a “gentleman” as he did not beat up the woman as such cases normally lead to that.

Another section of society threw brickbats at the friends for betraying Baba Denzel and having affairs with his wife.  However, the bigger issue is how this fracas might affect their child — Denzel — and many others in similar situations. 

Little is said about Denzel but given the age of his parents, one might assume he is of school-going age, most likely at primary level. The child is a silent victim. Denzel represents a number of children who go through similar situations which affect them mentally and in some instances lead to teenage delinquency. 

The fiasco might affect the way a child grows up after seeing pictures of their naked mother flying all over social media platforms and stigmatisation from friends and relatives. Experts warn that such nasty shenanigans by parents can alter a child’s path in life.